Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Some features of our playground

We're going to have safe flights of stairs for the playground.
We're designing for the handicapped and definately we don't want them to get injured in the process of playing so we also definately need safe ground not sand as the children might fall and if we have a soft ground they won't be injured at all.

Done by : Scott (Presenter I/C)

17th April 2008!!

Thursday 17th April! We went to the com lab and posted pictures of playgrounds are posted finally!! After like 3 weeks we have finally some pictured which Mrs. boy have been requesting for, for weeks!! Today after school we MIGHT be going to mike's house to get our project neatened up altogether afterwards more research will be posted! Be patient!!

Done by:
Scott ( Presenter I/C )

Design Brief(17 April 2008)

-The playground will have great swings and extra-safe carousal seats,handicapped children will have alot of fun.
-Sound pipes made up of bamboo can be inserted so that the children can make funny noises using them.
-The area could also contain an artificial waterfall under which the youngsters can walk or ride on.
-A grassy knoll up which they can crawl would be nice.
-A periscope for them to peer over the fence.
-Shallow pools are set waist high so that wheelchair patients can bathe their dolls or sail their boats.
-A huge foam-rubber mattres cuishions a play pit for the dissabled.
-A tensioned web floor is a stable floor with a great deal of traction.
Done By:Md luqman(designer)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Benifits of going to playgrounds

Increase children’s physical activity levels. Use of playground markings is effective in increasing the amount of physical activity.
Increase children’s energy expenditures. Students utilizing playground markings increased their energy expenditure significantly over the control groups.
Increase activity levels in primary and junior schools. Use of playgrounds painted with multicolored markings increase physical activity.
Decrease bullying. Use of playground markings, in conjunction with the Peaceful Playgrounds Program, were found to decrease playground bullying.
Decrease playground confrontations. Use of playground markings, in conjunction with the Peaceful Playgrounds Program, were found to decrease playground confrontations.
Decrease playground injuries. Use of playground markings, in conjunction with the Peaceful Playground program, were shown to decrease playground injuries.

What we plan to do

We are going to make more Research for the playground.
We will Design our small playground.
We will make it by next month.
The playground will include uses for dissabled children.It will be safe for them to play in and not hurt themselves.
We will also take pictures of playground to have an idea how to make them.
We will check the prices of the materials we are gonna use.
There will be a signboard that will contain a set of instructions of how the parents will be able to guide their children SAFELY around the playground.


Thursday 3rd April

We went to computer laboratory 2 and worked on our project and our blog. Not much was done as 3 of us were NOT doing anything especially the builder I/C and the design I/C.
We found some pictures on and loaded it into our phones so we can upload it when we get home as the computer was not operating as desired.
Done by: Scott (presenter I/C) Mike (leader)

What are we going to do?

We're going to design for visually impaired we're using the main theme of the novel entitled "Bridge to Terabithia" for the playground. It's main theme is going to be using adventure, fantasy and exploring. So as mentioned, The playground definately will be adventurous and will encourage the child to explore the playground more.

Done by: Scott (Presenter I/C)