Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Design Brief(17 April 2008)

-The playground will have great swings and extra-safe carousal seats,handicapped children will have alot of fun.
-Sound pipes made up of bamboo can be inserted so that the children can make funny noises using them.
-The area could also contain an artificial waterfall under which the youngsters can walk or ride on.
-A grassy knoll up which they can crawl would be nice.
-A periscope for them to peer over the fence.
-Shallow pools are set waist high so that wheelchair patients can bathe their dolls or sail their boats.
-A huge foam-rubber mattres cuishions a play pit for the dissabled.
-A tensioned web floor is a stable floor with a great deal of traction.
Done By:Md luqman(designer)

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