Thursday, May 8, 2008

Julian's OEE

The group has used the 3Rs for the 3D model - Reuse, Reduce and Recycle and as such, we have used materials like cotton wool and wooden chopsticks.We have done the best that we could to use the most recycle material as possible.

We used ice-cream sticks, plasticines, some cotton wool and chopsticks to build the 3d model. As to relate the theme of the playground to the novel, we built a house at a significantly high level and a bridge linked to it. In this way, the house and the bridge would be similar to the tree house and the bridge leading to terabithia in the novel respectively.

We created it is such a sense that it will help them heal their illnesses and at the same time, create an environment suitable for them to play in. The bridge was designed to be quite unstable to help the kids in the playground to overcome their fear of heights.

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