Thursday, May 8, 2008

MIke's OEE

The group has used the 3Rs for the 3D model - Reuse, Reduce and Recycle and as such, we have used materials like cotton wool and wooden chopsticks.We have done the best that we could to use the most recycle material as possible.

The material we use was Chopsticks, ice-cream sticks, plasticine,super glue, cotton wool and ropes.To link the novels we decided to put a bridge and the house as high as possible. So the house would be like a tree house and the bridge as a pass to terabithia.

We made it for the disable in singapore. As you know most disable are encourage to stay away from crowded place for their safety. This is the place of paradise for the disable. They will be happy and safe in this place.

Thanks for reading.

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